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Celebrating Women in Mental Health

Women have made significant strides in numerous industries, including the mental health space. March is a month to remind us of how far women have come throughout the years of culture and society. We recognize women who have given their all to the mental health industry.

Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund Freud, made significant contributions in physiology just like her father. Science recognizes her as the founder of child psychoanalysis and built on identifying different defense mechanisms within people.

Mary Whiton Calkins was American Psychological Association's (APA) first female president. She was a tremendously influential psychologist. Mary struggled throughout her educational career to receive her degrees at Harvard because they did not recognize and accept women. Regardless of the struggles Mary faced, she established one of the first psychological laboratories at Wellesley College.

Karen Horney was the first to introduce feminist psychology, the study of how gender power imbalances and it’s impacts one's psyche. She emphasizes that the differences between men and women were culturally and society based, more than biological.

So many women have contributed to psychology which allows nurse practitioners like you to succeed and heal people. As we celebrate Women's History Month 2022, we remember women's significant accomplishments in the mental health field. We give thanks to the hard work of the women of today and tomorrow.

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