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IntakeQ / PracticeQ Services

IntakeQ/PracticeQ is the perfect solution for managing your practice. It offers a comprehensive suite of features to make running your practice easier, including online scheduling, electronic note templates, automated intake forms, screening tools, and consents. All of these features provide streamlined automation to take the headache out of running your practice. To learn more, watch our video demo HERE.

Once you watch the video demo - schedule a time to get all of your questions answered HERE

PracticeQ/IntakeQ Total Set-Up

This is the entire system built out for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners. 

It includes: ​

  • ~70 Forms (Click to see list)

    • Intake Forms

    • Screening Tools (PHQ-9, GAD-7 etc) 

    • Consent Forms

    • Note Templates

  • Setting Up All Email Reminders w. Graphics

  • Setting Up of Booking Settings Area

  • 6 Automated Processes

  • Psych Dx Code Upload

  • Psych CPT Code Upload

  • Non-CPT (Product) Code Upload

  • Mapping and Pinning

  • Work ONE-on-One with an EHR Specialist

  • Personalized Training

  • Recorded & Group Training Available

This is a turn-key setup and is customized to your practice.  Every "T" is crossed and every "I" is dotted.   All you have to do is review and tell us what edits you would like to make.  Save yourself time and money! 

PracticeQ Templates

If you just want to purchase questionnaires, intake forms, consent forms, or note templates for your PracticeQ, we can help you!

We have a broad selection of tools available.  If you don't find what you are looking for, please reach out to us - we will build it for you!

PracticeQ - Practice Revamp

Have you already set up your PracticeQ, but need a review from a clinician's (informatics nurse) standpoint?   We offer a review and recommendation of your system. We will record an overview for you that provides critiquing of your set-up, recommendations, and ideas for best practice and streamlining.  


This is ideal for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners, or anyone in the mental health field.


We do offer a BAA, so your patient information is safe.

PracticeQ/IntakeQ One-on-One Training

Have questions, want to learn functionality as it applies to real life situations, not getting what you need from online help articles?  Want to talk to a clinician with an informatics background that is very versed in the system? Want to learn MORE? Want to see if I know a work-a-round or have a solution to an issue? Want to learn how to streamline your practice's processes using PracticeQ?

Schedule a time to talk to an informatics nurse that has been using the system for over 5 years - and has built it out for MANY providers.

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