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5 Minutes With Beverly: Billing

Beverly Johnson, CEO of Silver Leaf Practice Management Solutions, shares guidance on creating and maintaining your own private practice from her new Informational Shorts “5 Minutes with Beverly.”

Beverly Johnson is a registered nurse with over 20 years of experience in ER nursing, management, and various other administrative positions. Her goal is to help other nurse practitioners alike relinquish the fear and anxiety that often accompanies starting your own private practice.

There are also a lot of misconceptions that come with starting your own business that Beverly wants to dispel with her own experiences and knowledge.

Starting with an important part of your practice, the financial services. Silver Leaf PMS makes it easy to set up billing services.

We help navigate your finances as a private practice and get you on the right path of managing your billing systems.

Click here for a brief explanation with Beverly Johnson!


for information on billing for your private practice.

Subscribe to the Vlog and Follow Beverly Here!

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